EAD is a set of rules for designating the intellectual and physical parts of archival finding aids so that the information contained therein may be searched, retrieved, displayed, and exchanged in a predictable platform-independent manner. The EAD rules are written in the form of a Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) Document Type Definition (DTD), which uses coded representations of elements for efficient machine-processing by SGML authoring and viewing software. Because DTDs are intended to be read chiefly by computers, they are often accompanied by documentation designed for human comprehension. This tag library or master list of elements is one such piece of documentation. It serves as a reference tool for archivists who need to decide which EAD elements to use when designating the content of their organizations' finding aids. Through the use of natural-language definitions and examples, it assists archivists in achieving effective and consistent markup by rendering EAD's SGML codes more understandable. Despite translating SGML terminology and concepts into a more accessible and familiar language, the tag library is still a technical document that presupposes readers will possess a minimal understanding of SGML and finding aids. Novice finding aid encoders will need to supplement their use of the tag library by consulting EAD application guidelines, attending introductory EAD workshops and institutional training classes, and referring to other information sources.
Extrait de [ recommandation EAD Tag Library]
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